

The Situation

CLR earned its reputation of being an overqualified expert for tough messes and as we wanted to continue to grow brand adoption among younger consumers, we needed to find a way to show up with more relatable lifestyle content. Through our social listening we kept seeing a similar pattern — messes put unnecessary strains on relationships. We found that 89% of couples agreed the ability to work together in maintaining a clean home reflects on my overall compatibility with my spouse/partner. The cleaning category often only focused on either the honeymoon stage or after kids were present, but few brands addressed the “maintenance phase” where messes could turn into points of tension. We knew CLR Brands® can handle “mess,” but how could we handle “messy?”

The Solution

To better understand couples in the maintenance phase, we fielded an omnibus study to get to the root of where there was tension and an opportunity to rekindle sparks. In our digging we saw an opportunity, 61% said that seeing their spouse/partner cleaning their home is a turn on. Mess often was a distraction that made couples lose sight of the person they fell in love with, so we decided to show that CLR welcomes the challenge of turning tough messes from points of contention to chances for connection.


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