Uniting Voices Chicago

A Harmonious World

The Situation

The Chicago Children's Choir (CCC) was beginning to outgrown their name and they felt ready for a rebrand. When people heard "Children's" it implied little kids rather than the young future leaders that were committed to achieving excellence. When they heard "Choir" it felt like a small secular hobby rather than representing performances on a global scale. The vision of the organization at its founding has made a huge impact, but the current brand limited its potential to grow.​

The Solution

We live in a world bombarded by signs of division, and today’s youth are on the frontlines fighting for equity and peace. We give our youth a voice to be the change this world needs, and show the young and old the beauty that comes from unity. This organization has opened their eyes to the possibility of a more harmonious and equitable world. With our rebrand to Uniting Voices Chicago we aimed to show how music has the power to transcend every barrier that divides us.


Been There Outdone That